How To Keep Your Pond Cool In Summer & Extreme Heat Waves
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How To Keep Your Pond Cool In Summer & Extreme Heat Waves

Backyard ponds, like all small bodies of water, are particularly susceptible to drastic changes in temperature. In the hot summer months, this means overheating which can have deadly consequences for your pond and all the living things within it. This has become especially important in recent years as much of the world is experiencing hotter…

Comforting A Dying Fish – How To Help Your Pet Fish Through Their Final Days
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Comforting A Dying Fish – How To Help Your Pet Fish Through Their Final Days

Taking care of the fish in your backyard pond or aquarium is no easy task, but what’s even more difficult is watching them pass away. Fish are pets just like any other and over time they become true members of the family. So it’s natural that many people wonder how to help comfort a dying…

What Is The Rarest Koi? 12 Rare, Beautiful and Expensive Koi Varieties
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What Is The Rarest Koi? 12 Rare, Beautiful and Expensive Koi Varieties

Koi fish are among the most common and sought after types of pond fish in the world. Most varieties of koi are quite common and can even be purchased at your local fish supply store. However, many varieties of koi are rare and these are the ones considered most valuable by koi enthusiasts. The rarest…

How To Make Betta Fish Happy – It’s Actually Super Easy

How To Make Betta Fish Happy – It’s Actually Super Easy

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are a very popular freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. These fish are beloved due to their complex personalities and awareness of their surroundings, but this can also make them temperamental creatures. So you may be wondering: how can you make your betta fish happy? In general,…

Can Fish Eat Bread? Why This Common Food Is Killing Your Fish (And Your Pond)
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Can Fish Eat Bread? Why This Common Food Is Killing Your Fish (And Your Pond)

I have many fond memories as a child of going to the local pond with my parents and feeding ducks and other wildlife pieces of stale bread from the pantry. I know now as an adult that feeding bread to birds is bad, but what about fish? I never really considered that fish were eating…

What Does A Koi Fish Represent? The Meaning Behind The World’s Bravest Fish

What Does A Koi Fish Represent? The Meaning Behind The World’s Bravest Fish

The koi fish, both its Japanese and “domestic” varieties, is one of the most popular and beloved kinds of fish in the world. People have these beautiful fish in their backyard ponds as well as tattooed on their bodies. But have you ever wondered what these amazing fish represent in traditional Asian culture? In traditional…

51 Backyard Pond Ideas – Visual Inspiration For Your Next Garden Pond Project
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51 Backyard Pond Ideas – Visual Inspiration For Your Next Garden Pond Project

Building your first backyard pond is a special thing, but it can sometimes be difficult to get started. It’s a daunting task, after all, that requires some background knowledge of water feature construction and how to maintain a balanced ecosystem. However, sometimes the hardest part is just figuring out what you want it to look…

Backyard Pond Cost Per Year – Maintenance & Cleaning Costs Breakdown
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Backyard Pond Cost Per Year – Maintenance & Cleaning Costs Breakdown

All too often, people put a lot of time and effort into building their dream backyard pond without considering the cost that goes into maintaining it every year. So what does a backyard pond cost per year? The average cost for maintaining a backyard pond is roughly $2,500 per year. This cost figure comes from…

How Long Do Koi Fish Live? The Impact Of Environment, Nutrition & Lifestyle

How Long Do Koi Fish Live? The Impact Of Environment, Nutrition & Lifestyle

Koi fish are an amazing species and a favorite of pond owners around the world. One of the key selling points for Koi is their incredible lifespan. In general, koi fish can live an average of 15-20 years assuming all their nutritional and environmental needs have been met. Well looked after koi have been known…